Diana Moore Ministries

The Good News


In this time of uncertainty, do you know where you would go if you would die?  Some people say that no one can know that.  Others say that they are a good person, or that they hope that they know.  Do you believe in God?  I want you to know that you can know for sure that if you died today or ten or fifty years from now, that you will go to Heaven.  Not everyone will go there — It is your choice where you will spend eternity.  

The Bible says that if you believe in your heart that Jesus is the Son of God, that He died for us and rose again from the dead, and confess with your mouth that Jesus is your Lord and Savior, you will go to Heaven.  That is the beginning of a wonderful relationship between you and Him.  Would you like to do that today?  Pray this prayer with me and if you mean it with your heart, it will be a the best day of your life.

"God in Heaven, I know that I am a sinner and I want to change that.  I ask you to forgive me of all of my sins.  Make me clean.  I believe that Jesus is your Son, that He died for me, and you raised Him from the dead.  Jesus, come into my heart and I make you my Lord and Savior.  Amen"

In our society we don't have a concept of what a Lord is.  We do know about a savior.  There are lots of instances where either we or someone else saves another.  But Jesus paid the price for the whole world through what He did when He died on the cross.  He rescued or redeemed us, and it is like a man that is drowning, and someone reaches out their hand to them. If they do not take that hand, then they will die. But if you take that hand and get lifted to safety, then you have a savior.  Jesus is our Savior, but He is also our Lord.  In America we do not have a King.  We elect our officials, but a King is the ultimate authority in the land.  He is not elected.   When you make Jesus your Lord, you are making him like that.  Your life is not your own.  You have been bought with a great price, and He is in charge.  I can tell you from long experience, that if you do what he wants you to do, it is a great blessing.  If you don't do what you know is right, then you are in for a whole lot of pain and trouble.

What do you do now?  I would encourage you to start reading the Bible, pray (talk to God) and get into a good Bible believing church.  And tell someone about what you did when you prayed that prayer.  I would love to hear from you too!  You can use the contact form on this site and let me know.  I want you to know that God loves you and Jesus loves you and so do I!

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